
Hello sweet friends!  I hope you are all enjoying a bit of simple summertime pleasures!  If finally feels like summer has arrived here at our house and the sunshine and warmer days are wonderful!  It has been good for me to have taken a break from spending so much time on the computer, and to be honest, it is with a little hesitation that I start back up again ~ but I’ll have to look to the Lord for His wisdom in all of this!  You are such dear ladies and have added such richness to my life ~ and the sweet fellowship with you all is very special!

Lately I have spent time pondering the aspect of truly caring for one another.  It is something I have been thinking and praying about, & reading scriptures and doing other reading on.  It is something that is dear to my heart and yet what does this really mean, what does it look like in practical ways, and how do I live this out?  I want my caring not to just be a feeling that I have, but I really want it to move me to act ~ even when it means a sacrifice on my part.  The Bible says, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35 (ESV)  I know this verse well, but do I really take it serious?   I want the truth of this to be more than a plague on my wall, but a life lived.  I think often times I have good intentions in this area and then I fail to see them through.  They can be such little acts of kindness that I put off ~ often out of busyness or even fear ~ but don’t we all know how the “little things” can make such a difference?  I love Dorcas because it says she “was abounding with deeds of kindness and charity which she continually did.” Acts 9:36b (NASB)

Abounding & continually ~ I think this sounds like it was a way of life for her!

I enjoyed a couple of sweet surprises this week and I thought I would share them with you because they brought encouragement to me and speak so much of what the Lord has been speaking to me lately.

A simple bread box ~ a gift of love!

The lavender farm was holding their annual festival and we were looking forward to going.  This year we mentioned it to our oldest daughter and daughter-in-law and so our whole family met together at the farm yesterday.  There were booths with crafts and things for sale and the first one we were looking at had a lot of fun treasures.  This bread box was one of the things Annaleah and I were talking about, and our daughter-in-law, Jennifer, was obviously paying attention.  We eventually went on to other things and I had noticed her talking to Bill and scurrying around, but I didn’t have any idea of what she was doing.  When we finished at the farm and I went to get into the van ~ there was the bread box!  Jennifer had purchased it for me and got the keys from Bill to our van and put it in there.  What a sweet surprise!  What a special act of kindness and blessing!  What an encouragement of love!

Eggs on clearance ~ a gift of love!

Just the day before, on Friday, the weather was quite warm and Annaleah called in the morning to see if her and the little ones could come over to visit as their apartment gets quite warm when the weather heats up.  She mentioned on the phone that she had a present for me!  She said she had gone to the store earlier in the morning and had found some cage free eggs on clearance and she had picked some up for me too!  I thought that was very sweet!  What a special act of kindness and blessing!  What an encouragement of love!

As we start a new week, I hope it is a week that the Lord will use me in acts of kindness and caring.  I’m sure they won’t be anything on a grand scale ~ but I hope that I will be alert and willing to show His love.  It says in Psalm 34:8a (ESV) ~ “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!”  I have been learning day by day ~ even in some hard things ~ just how good HE is!  Let’s be those who delight in showing His goodness!

I Thessalonians 3:12a (ESV):

“and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all”

Looking forward to visiting with you soon!

With blessings ~


12 thoughts on “Hello♥

  1. Hi Gretchen ~

    Happy Summer to you too! Yes, I think those eggs were a very sweet deal! I do hope I can find that balance with my computer time ~ it can be a challenge!

    Sweet blessings!

  2. It is good to hear from you, Sharon! It’s so easy to think of kind acts and ways to bless others and then never actually act on them. May we all learn to actually “live out” our faith with actions! That was very sweet of your daughter-in-law.

  3. Hi Sharon ~ Such a sweet blessing to have you share your inspiration and your kindness! I feel it in each heartwarming post that you share! Such sweet “acts of kindness” from your daughter and your daughter~in~law! You are blessed…as well as the blessings that you pour out to each of us who visit your “little space!” Sweet and simple blessings to you as you make those decisions that are not always so simple! Love, Teri

  4. If we just open our eyes we can find the
    Lord’s blessings all around us every single
    day. I love your bread box and the deal
    on those healthy eggs is amazing.
    God is so good.

  5. Oh, how I have missed your posts. They are always such an encouragement to me. Thanks for reminding me to look for the “little” ways to show love and kindness. I sometimes(a lot of times) forget how important they are. So good to have you back. God bless.

  6. Lovely to see you again, I wish I could work out a way of ‘following’ you but cant find any button anywhere?
    It is often the little ways, the little thoughts, that are the most meaningful and touching. I strive to remember them in my days, not always succeeding but trying.

  7. I pray the Lord uses me in small acts of kindness and caring ~ perhaps making a small difference here and there … in a small way :o)

    I know exactly what you mean when you talked about reading and knowing all this but wondering how it can be expressed! I’ve often wondered and prayed about it and a little here and a little there, the Lord has opened doors and windows for me :o)

    Blessings to you and your family ~ it’s nice to have you back!

  8. Thank you Dallas!

    Isn’t it exciting to have the Lord use you even in small ways? I do want to make a difference and want to be sensitive and act upon ideas I feel He brings to mind.

    You always encourage me in things like this!

    Sweet blessings,

  9. Sharon,

    I wanted to visit your blog after you visited mine. I’ve enjoyed my time here tonight. I see now that you are the one who posted the Lillias Trotter quote Linda was referring to! I’m reading her biography right now, so I wanted to know where your quote was from and I see the answer in your post.

    I like this post, as I have been reading along similar lines. Lloyd John Ogilvie said that all those lovely thoughts of kind things we should do for people are from God, and we obey Him when we act upon them. He has entrusted us to share His love. When we are too busy to enact the lovely thoughts, we are too busy. This really convicted me since there are many good intentions I don’t act on.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Warmly, in Christ,
    Teresa Mittower

  10. Dear Teresa ~

    Thanks so much for visiting ~ I am happy to meet you!

    What you shared has really encouraged me as I have been thinking similar things and it is my desire that when an act of kindness that I could do for someone comes to mind ~ that I would step out in faith, that it is indeed the Lord who is prompting me! I so appreciate being challenged in this area.

    Your visit was a blessing!

    In His love,

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