
Welcome to The Shepherd’s House!

Hello!  My name is Sharon and I am a Christian homemaking wife and mother. My husband Bill and I have been married for 38 years. We have been blessed with 5 children, as well as two sons-in-law and one daughter-in-law and 6 sweet little grandchildren! I love everything that has to do with homemaking and making my home a cozy place to be. I also enjoy crafts, treasure shopping, antiques, quilts, and I am learning to love gardening ~ at least I love the results! Living a more purposeful life of simplicity and contentment is one of my goals!

Thanks so much for stopping by for a visit!!

15 thoughts on “About

  1. Sharon,

    Thank you so much for stopping by my site and leaving your comment. I did have fun shopping for that material and appreciated your comments. Now, I have to get to work and sew up all that fabric.

    I think the header on your site is beautiful! Is that your house? I think that I will enjoy coming back here often from what I can see though I have a Sunday School lesson to prepare right now but I promise that I will be back the first of the week and I will leave my comments so that you will know that I have been here.

    The Strawberry-Spinach Salad looks yummy!



  2. Hi Diane,

    Welcome and thanks for stopping by!! Yes, that is my house on the header ~ thank you for your kind words!!
    I’m sure you will have an enjoyable time sewing up all that beautiful fabric and working on the afghan.
    Do stop by anytime!



  3. Oh that is your house! Thought so..Lord I would relish just sitting there with a cup of coffee and a good book which I wouldn’t be reading because I would probably be day dreaming (sigh).

  4. What a wonderful site!!! I’m so glad you came to visit mine so I could come to yours. I love your front porch, quotes, pic’s and of course quilting plus you’ve been married for as long as I have. We certainly are blessed and although I only had two daughters I am blessed with 6, soon to be 7, grandkids who I spend time with almost daily. I can’t wait to read back posts and visit more. I recognized Victoria immediately but wondered if you are in the Orcas island or San Juan(a place I hope to visit sometime). Blessings to you and yours this weekend.
    In Him, Noreen

  5. Sharon: Merry Christmas.

    Where do you live that you have Hummers year round even with snow. How do they survive the cold temps?

    We are in NW Florida (Panhandle) and do not have Hummers yr round. We live in a RV park in DeFuniak Springs and have a very small yard with our Coach. I want to add Hummingbird plants to attract them along with our feeders. Do you have any suggestions on plants?

    Thanks for your help and God Be With You.


  6. Hi Salli ~

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Thanks so much for visiting my blog!

    We are in the Pacific Northwest. Just this year I discovered that the Anna’s hummingbirds are here year round ~ so we left our feeder out. I’m really not sure how cold of temps they can stand. It has been cold here ~ in the teens and 20’s and we’ve had snow for the past 2 weeks and there are hummingbirds coming regularly to the feeder.

    In the summer we had geraniums, fushcias and some petunias nearby. Here is a link for some additional plants that might be of help to you.


    Thanks for visiting ~ come back anytime!

    Many blessings,

  7. Hi, Sharon,
    I stumbled upon your website because I am in the process of starting a website. I was wondering if you might have any helpful tips on starting a website? I absolutely love your website, you can not help but to feel the peace of the Lord!

  8. Hi Deborah ~

    Thanks so much for your visit and your encouraging words!

    I am not overly knowledgeable on computer things but I would be happy to help if I can. Go ahead and email me (there is a link on the homepage of my blog) and I will try and answer any questions that you have! Looking forward to hearing from you!

    Blessings to you,

  9. Living here in the pacific northwest, seeing blue skies of Seattle – oh man, what a joyful smile hitting my face for the folks who live there.. Today, in eastern Oregon, it is 55 degrees, sunny and just plain pretty.. this whole winter has been strange, no snow at all for us here in the mountains… But God has blessed us with knowing His hand is in control over every part of our creation, and from little flowers blooming, to buds on our maple trees, I know that I love to serve the God of Creation, I know as Jesus Christ… Thank you for sharing such beautiful photos of the northwest!

  10. Hi Karen ~

    Yes…what a mild winter this has been! Days with blue skies are so welcome during this time of year. Thank you for visiting again and for the encouragement that you bring!

    Sweet blessings,

  11. Greetings,
    If you’re interested in homeschooling, courtship, quiverfull issues, child-raising, politics, and spiritual inspiration, try a free, no obligation issue of SALT Magazine. If you haven’t tried SALT yet, all we need is a name and mailing address to send you a free issue. Or, you can check out our website (saltmagazine.com) and sign up for a free issue online.
    – In the Vine, Jim & Cindy

  12. Hi Sharon,
    just sending you a hug across the miles! I’ll Ilook forward to your next post as I always really like your lovely, peaceful and heart~warming blog. xxx ♥

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